Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bucket List

Nothing too exciting happened today. We went to a lot of orientation meetings that had nothing to do with us (we learned how to register for classes even though we are already registered! yay!) and then had a meeting about the do's and don'ts in Lugano. They are crazy eco friendly here and you have to throw away your trash in certain trash bags and if you don't recycle everything they have people whose job it is to go through your garbage and find the recycling and find you based on the numbers on the bag and tell you to recycle! It's pretty cool how much they care but so much to think about! So during all the boring meetings all the study abroads made a bucket list of the things we want to do these next 4 months and the adventures start this weekend with a train ride to Bellinzona and a tour of the castles there!

Bucket list:
These 4 months are going to go by so fast but I am so excited because everyone here is awesome and it is going to be a great time! Oh yeah I forgot we created a fra-roity called Sigma Alpha (study abroad!) and it is super great!
At night we went to dinner with all the study abroads, transfers, and orientation leaders while the freshman had their own dinner and it was this cute expensive pizza place and the school paid for all of it!
 And one last picture of the "campus!"

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