Thursday, September 22, 2011

Family Dinner

After a long day of school, I got to sit back and enjoy a family dinner with all the SMU girls and Claire! Shelayne could not join us because she is currently in Zurich! Hillary made us all chicken piccata and a caprese salad with bread and I made chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Chicken piccata is my new favorite food, or maybe it is still eggplant parmesan, but they are both delicious! I tried capers for the first time (they weren't too bad) and actually ate raw tomatoes with mozzarella cheese on top! Cookies here however, are a little bit of an issues. First problem, vanilla is "vanilla sugar" that you add to the ingredients, and the brown sugar is really grainy. Next problem, we don't have bowls big enough to mix the ingredients in, nor do we have measuring cups or mixing spoons! So we used a giant pot for stew, and a spatula and spoon to mix the ingredients. They were not very good cookies, but after not having cookies for a really long time, they were much appreciated by everyone!
Off to Zermatt tomorrow to see the Matterhorn, and go rafting on Saturday morning in glacial water- should be fun! To avoid the stress of last weekend, and make up for some lost sleep we are coming back to Lugano Saturday night to write an english essay and do a couple hours of homework for my other classes!

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