Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Sorry I am slacking on my blog posts! This week is midterm week and has consisted of a lot of studying, and napping!
Pregnant cow in back was about to pop!
As planned, Shelayne, Angela (her friend studying in Torino) and I went to a mountain house in Sobrio. The weekend was exactly what I needed. We have realized the one thing we are really missing about being in a dorm, is not having access to a couch. It's the little things in life that you learn to miss! So in Sobrio, one of the first things we did was sit on a couch in front of a fireplace. Perfection!
The house belonged to one branch of Shelayne's family and two of her relatives went with us, and cooked for us all weekend! I had some of the most delicious food that weekend! The dad was the most remarkable cook ever.
The first day we got there, we relaxed for a little and then before dinner we went on a walk and saw the town. Sobrio has a population of 80, and is on 2 square miles on the top of a curvy windy road! It was great to be in the tranquility! The next day after we got up and did some more homework, we drove to the peak of the mountain to an even smaller town (there were 4 houses there!) and it was snowing. That was the first snow of Switzerland that I have witnessed. It was so beautiful seeing the snow on the trees. We then went and met a couple of her relatives at another town and then went back to the house and relaxed and did some more homework. Sunday was just a homework and relax day and then we came back to Lugano.
One of the most beneficial things for me this weekend, was her relatives spoke very little english. The wife spoke a decent amount, but the husband barely spoke it. Therefore, I got to learn what a home stay studying abroad would have been like. I got to play translator for the weekend and practice my Italian. It was very useful for my Italian skills, and Shelayne was even able to pick up some new words! I learned about the Ticino (the region of Switzerland we are in) dialect, and many of the elderly people in Sobrio spoke the dialect so it was very difficult to understand them. But it was still wonderful to be exposed to so much culture. Some examples of the dialect:

It's cold- normally is "Fa freddo" but in dialect it is "fa fretch!"
It's hot- "Fa caldo" --> "Fa cald"
wind- "vinto" --> "vint"
Basically all the words are just shortened, but they are just different enough that it is hard to understand!
The view from the house
The weeekend was exactly what we needed- a chance to study without any distractions, since there was no internet, and a couch with parents cooking for us. I am so thankful to have met them and will forever remember their amazing hospitality!

Now school- my worst midterm is over and I couldn't be happier! I also think it went pretty good... so that's a plus! Only 2 more midterms to go between me and 2 weeks in Turkey! I don't know what my internet status is going to be in Turkey because I still have no idea what hotels we are staying at- but I will try to find internet and keep yall updated on my Turkish adventures!

 On a sadder note, yesterday I once again was faced with the realization of how precious life is and I am thankful for all of the opportunities I have been given and for my family and friends. RIP James Rigg, you will be missed by many people. My heart is aching for the Rigg family, and you are in my prayers.

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